Heroes, Freaks and Superrabbis: The Jewish Dimension of Comic Art, is currently on display at the Jewish Museum, Berlin.
It looks fascinating. I haven't seen the full exhibition list, but I know that they have pieces by Kurtzman, Capp and Eisner on loan from Denis Kitchen. The Eisner section would be particularly interesting with many original drawings on display from Contract with God, A Life Force and Heart of the Storm. I wish I could see it.
The site itself (in English) has some interesting info, and I especially like the web comic. There's also a section on the exhibition design (photo on the left: Exhibition view Heroes, Freaks, and Super-Rabbis. The Jewish Dimension of Comic Art, © Jewish Museum Berlin, foto: Jens Ziehe). I would have liked to have seen how the display really worked using these lit, inset panels (Ideal interface, or a distraction?). I'd love to hear from anybody who has seen this show in person.