Thursday, October 30, 2014

Denis Kitchen on Comics Alternative

Denis Kitchen by Peter Poplaski
I speak with Denis Kitchen about his return to publishing, new projects, art exhibitions, and trend-spotting at Comic-Con.
Kim Munson: Congrats on the Harvey Awards for Kitchen Sink’sThe Best of Comix Book!
Denis Kitchen: Feels good, Kim! Especially after winning the two awards for our debut title. It also felt good to have that material finally be reprinted after literally 40 years. I also have to add how gracious and enthused Stan Lee was about this experimental material. He went way out on a limb back in 1974. I’m astonished what us hippie cartoonists got away with on Marvel’s dime! See More at CA

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

My Husband is a Super Villain!

My husband Marc Greenberg & I were blown away when one of our favorite artists, Darick Robertson, told us that he featured Marc as the big bad super-villain Maxwell Vanderbilt of Big Dick Industries (Sex & Crime & Rock N Roll). He is revealed as the bad-guy-in-chief in Black Mask's Ballistic #4, and meets with a nasty (but colorful) demise in Ballistic #5. Now Marc is immortal! Thanks Darick!

Marc Greenberg as Maxwell Vanderbilt in Ballistic #4,
art by Darick Robertson, written by Adam Egypt Mortimer (2014)